Lawn renovation
For lawns that are looking a bit tired and thin or where perhaps invasive coarse grasses, weeds and moss have become the dominant feature then Lawn Style can perform a 5 point lawn renovation service to rejuvinate your lawn. These services are normally provided in the early spring or late summer/early autumn so as to allow the lawn the best possible chance of recovery.
lawn rejuvination
If your lawn still has a lot of good grass remaining but with areas of bare patches, weeds and moss then lawn rejuvination aims to retain and nurture that existing grass but remove the unwanted thatch, moss and weeds. The underlying soil is aerated and new grass added by sowing suitable fresh grass seed.

The first phase in the rejuvination process is to apply a combination fertiliser and either selective weed killer or moss control suitable for the time of year. This is to reduce the lawn weeds or kill any moss and give the grass a much needed boost ready for the treatments to follow.

The second phase is to scarify the lawn to remove the thatch layer and moss allowing the grass to breath whilst opening up the soil for the new grass seed.

The third phase is to aerate the lawn with a hollow core aerator to remove hundreds of finger sized plugs of soil from the lawn in order to decompact the soil enabling the grass to deep root.

over seed
The fourth phase is to overseed the entire lawn with a suitable grass seed.

top dress
The final phase is to spread a suitable top dressing over the lawn to provide protection and coverage for the new seed.